9 Movie Clichés We Don’t Hate

Most movie clichés are groan-inducing, because they are overused and indicate lazy writing. But there are some tried-and-true tropes that show up more often than they should in movies, yet still leave us with a sense of satisfaction because they just work. You may have never thought about those kinds of things, but the A.V. Club did. They asked their staff and some regular readers about movie clichés that are so good they don’t mind seeing them over and over, and got some thoughtful answers, like this one from Danette Chavez.

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Their outcomes aside, most trials and other courtroom proceedings are fairly dry affairs, all procedure and precedents (which is probably for the best, given that there are enough biases to deal with). That is, unless they’re happening in a movie or TV show, and the lawyers are played by Tom Cruise, Sam Waterston, or Christine Baranski—then every big revelation is delivered via a grandstanding speech in a packed courtroom, a thunderous statement that’s interrupted, but not dampened, by equally vociferous objections from opposing counsel. It’s such a common occurrence in film and TV, from …And Justice For All to A Time To Kill to every thought Dick Wolf has ever had, but it still moves me to this day. You disagree? Then you’re out of order! This whole list is out of order!

Read of some other movie clichés that you may also enjoy, at the A.V. Club.

Source: neatorama

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