A Bizarre Birth Experience at Babyland General Hospital

Believe it or not, Cabbage Patch Kids, the dolls that took the world by storm when they became the Christmas gift of 1983, are still a thing. One of their draws is that these dolls have a magical backstory. Each one is “born” at Babyland General Hospital, and the owner “adopts” the doll, with certificates and everything. Furthermore, Babyland General Hospital is a real place, and you can visit it in Cleveland, Georgia. Take a tour, visit the gift shop, and if you have the bucks, you can buy a doll that you can witness being born. If you don’t have the bucks, you can watch someone else’s doll being born.

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The dolls are born from Mother Cabbage with the help of a costumed nurse who engages the crowd to help her through her labor pains. It’s not clear whether Mother cabbage is a tree, a mound, or something hidden behind those things, but the ritual is the ultimate in kitsch, meant to engage a five-year-old but still a little beyond their understanding. Joshua Rigsby took his family to Babyland General Hospital and got to witness the birth of a Cabbage Patch Kid. His description of the bizarre ritual at Thrillist will make you want to visit just for the giggles. -via Damn Interesting

(Image credit: Kelly Verdeck)

Source: neatorama

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