Bad Recipes from Good Movies

Sometimes we are totally impressed with things people eat in movies, and want to recreate those dishes. Binging with Babish is really good at showing us how to do that. But movies are also filled with odd meals that we remember a bit less fondly. These are desperation dishes, when a character has few ingredients and little choice but has to eat anyway.

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A24, the movie studio that brought us Everything Everywhere All at Once, is releasing a cookbook of these desperation dishes called Scrounging: A Cookbook. The 54 recipes contained in it are less for epicures and more for movie fans who want to relive a cinematic moment. Remember the spaghetti from the 1960 move The Apartment? Jack Lemmon had no colander, but a tennis racket will do. Kevin made a 12-scoop sundae in Home Alone because there was no one to tell him not to. And if you’ve forgotten the Pixy Stix sandwich from The Breakfast Club, it’s in there, too. Read more about these memorable if not delicious recipes at Mental Floss, and how to order the cookbook.  

Source: neatorama

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