Crash Baggage: Damaged-Look Luggage from Italy, for Peace of Mind While Traveling

You know when you see a new product, and you can’t tell if it’s meant to be a joke or not? An Italian company called Crash Baggage produces suitcases that look like they’ve had the hell beaten out of them, straight from the factory. “What’s the first thing we think of when we buy a new suitcase?” the company writes. “We are afraid that it will [be damaged].”

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To that end, the company produces ABS and polycarbonate suitcases with dents molded right into them. It would be hard to make these look worse. “Our ‘Handle Without Care’ travel philosophy,” they write, “exalts freedom of movement and action where and when you want, without worry.”

The company makes three different sizes: Carry-on, Medium and Large, as well as a sort of fanny pack that you can wear while you do martial arts or yoga.

My favorite shot from their lookbook is this very stylish woman using her Crash Baggage to transport bruised bananas.

Dive into their collection here.

Source: core77

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