Facebook’s Messenger Rooms

When it comes to video conferencing, apps such as Zoom and Houseparty dominate the field. The former, having only 10 million users last December, now has 300 million users after just a few months. The latter, meanwhile, has added an additional 50 million users in just a month. Truly, there has been a massive increase in demand in video calls. Even Facebook had seen their video-call usage double in the recent weeks.

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Seeing this trend, Facebook decided to make a service that is very similar to Zoom and Houseparty.

Its name, Messenger Rooms—no relation to an earlier feature with the same moniker—suggests that it’s part of Messenger. But it’s really more of a full-fledged entity unto itself and will be reachable not only via Messenger but also through Facebook’s feed and groups and (though not quite at launch) Instagram and WhatsApp. Accessible via the web, it won’t require that users have Messenger installed—or even that they have an account with any of the company’s services.

More details about this over at Fast Company.

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(Image Credit: Facebook/ Fast Company)

Source: neatorama

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