glen martin taylor

Okay, I think I just found my new dish set! So, let’s kick things off with a dictionary definition:

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“Kintsugi… a Japanese method for repairing broken ceramics with a special lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum / Nothing is ever truly broken – is the philosophy behind the ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi, which repairs smashed pottery by using beautiful seams of gold” … OR chains, twigs, buttons, thread, and the list goes on if you happen to be Glen Martin Taylor. Yep, he has definitely put his own spin on this ancient art form by transforming broken plates and vessels {some of which were his grandmother’s, some he creates himself} into entirely new objects. I’d recommend following him on Instagram, because the captions Glen writes are just as poetic as his work. Happy Monday.

Source: thejealouscurator

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