Hitchcock is the <i>Master of Suspense</i>, and the Villain, Too!

Alfred Hitchcock always kept us in suspense with eerie stories of all kinds. He was particularly careful to craft his favorite characters, those evil villains. You might suspect at times that Hitch wanted to step into the role of the villain himself. In the short film Master of Suspense, he does just that. This is not artificial intelligence messing with the classics, this is Hitchcock himself, acting suspicious as he always did. Fabrice Mathieu (previously at Neatorama) edited down the relevant bits from the cameos Hitchcock made in more than thirty different films, and added some creative cutting and pasting. A new soundtrack by Bernard Herrmann ties it all together into a coherent narrative.   

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.

Master of Suspense also features Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Jimmy Stewart, Janet Leigh, Gregory Peck, and some other stars you might recognize. As in many of Hitchcock’s films, a train plays a big part.

-Thanks, Fabrice!

Source: neatorama

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