Humanoids Erupt into Colored Smoke in Dazzling CGI Portraits

Dripping with stunning colors and an uncanny resemblance to reality, Hamburg-based artist Antoni Tudisco‘s CGI Portraits 3.0 series looks the way drugs feel. He combines 3D renders of the human form with simulations of smoke, fur, and organic forms to, he tells Creators, “get the viewer confused.”

The self-taught motion graphics designer has developed a sugary color palette that he brings to life using the powerful combination of Cinema 4D, Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, and Houdini. By day, he designs visuals for brands like MTV and Nike, but when he wants to run with a wild idea, he makes something like Portraits 3.0.  

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While snippets of his portraits seem to incorporate photographs of actual humans, Tudisco says assuredly, “Everything in the artworks is 3D. From the smoke and fog to the characters and fur. What I want to capture in this series is a mixture between surreal and abstract vibes, combined with realistic characters.”

Fueling this series’ cinematic style was a playlist of contemporary hip-hop and R&B, including Frank Ocean’s Blond, Kanye West’s The Life of Pablo and Graduation, Post Malone’s “Deja Vu,” and Action Bronson’s “Durag vs Headband.” Get into Tudisco’s alien headspace by cranking the jams and perusing his work below.

See more of Antoni Tudisco’s work here.


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