Is There A Better Way Than Just Taking Dietary Supplements To Prevent Diseases?

One of the things that people spend lots of their money on are dietary supplements, which is understandable, because we don’t want to get sick. It is said that the dietary supplement market is worth over $14 billion in Europe alone in 2018. It is also estimated that more than half of the American population take one or more nutrition supplements daily or on occasion. Unfortunately, some people heavily depend on these supplements, and they no longer care about their diet. They treat these supplements not as supplements, but as substitutes. 

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Scientists, however, say that having a healthy diet is much better than taking pills.

“Anytime somebody is missing major food groups, the first question is, can we target the missing nutrients with food? If not, then we would look into a supplement,” said registered dietitian nutritionist Melissa Majumdar, who is a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.


“Eating a healthy diet is going to do far more for you than any supplement you can take, and yet we have a whole industry that is based on selling us all types of supplements,” said Martha H. Stipanuk, James Jamison professor of nutrition emeritus in the division of nutritional sciences at Cornell University.


“Fruits and vegetables have phytochemicals and fiber; when you pop a pill, you never get the same outcomes,” said Lisa Young, a registered dietitian nutritionist and adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University.

Experts worry that high doses of nutrients can give a false sense of promise.

More details about this over at CNN.

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(Image Credit: Efraimstochter/ Pixabay)

Source: neatorama

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