John Lewis Christmas Ad Campaign 2023

The British department store John Lewis has a tradition of well-produced tear-jerking Christmas ads every year. We’ve posted them for more than ten years now. They always manage to revolve around children, love, family or friends, and a magic twist. This year’s ad titled Snapper: The Perfect Tree has all that, but served up with a huge dose of weird. A little boy wants to grow his own Christmas tree, but what he gets is nothing like a Christmas tree. You have to wonder if the writers are not-so-subtly mocking the syrupy-sweet ads of past years, or whether they were taking drugs. No, I’m not going to tell you what happens, because you need to watch the video. Even after you figufre out what’s going on, this will require some suspension of disbelief. You’ve been warned. -via Fark

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Source: neatorama

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