Karen Throws Away An Expensive Cake, The Office Retaliates

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So when one particular Karen basically got free reign of the premises where her office was located, she got a little carried away.

One day, she went as far as throwing away a really big, expensive cake just because she didn’t like the guy who brought it in. Even though it was his birthday!

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But that was the last straw. His subordinates were furious—they liked the man. So, the whole office decided to get back at the evil queen and devised a savage revenge plan.

Image credits: Josh Davis (not the actual photo)

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Image credits: NFkappaBalpha

Here’s what people said about the whole ordeal

The post Karen Throws Away An Expensive Cake, The Office Retaliates first appeared on Bored Panda.

Source: boredpanda.com

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