LAP Open Wire, April 1, 2023

Some of the “spell panels” we’ve been working on in the shop this week.

If you have a question about one of our books or tools, or something that has been bugging you about what we do here in the shop, this is the place to get an answer.

Every Saturday, I’ll post a new blog entry that calls for your questions. You can write them in the comments section below. I’ll do my best to answer them.

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.

I do reserve the right to ignore questions that are obvious troll bait or cross the lines of decorum or reason. (One reader asked me for a list of every tool I own with an evaluation of how they had performed, plus links to competing tools he might consider purchasing. With notes on those tools, too. Questions such as this will be answered with: Get bent.)

So here we go…. Note that comments for this entry will close about 5 p.m. Eastern. 

— Christopher Schwarz


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