LAP Open Wire, April 21, 2023

Bean the shop cat, lending me a hand at the bench this week.

The Open Wire is now open and ready for your woodworking questions. 

Every Saturday, I post a new blog entry that calls for questions. Write them in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.

Before you ask a question, a few requests and comments.

  1. So far no one has posted a defamatory, troll-baiting comment. Thank you!
  2. If you could limit the number of questions you ask each week to one or two, my fingers will appreciate it.
  3. Long, multi-part questions with multiple digressions and links I have to click to understand your question make my brain hurt. Just saying.
  4. If your question is your first comment here, it will automatically be flagged for moderation. Your question will appear after I approve it.

So here we go…. Note that comments for this entry will close about 5 p.m. Eastern. 

— Christopher Schwarz


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