Malian Woman Gives Birth to Nine Babies

In 2009, Nadya Suleman achieved a Guinness World Record for multiple births when she had eight babies at once, and they all survived. Two instances of a woman giving birth to nine babies have been recorded, but none of the infants survived. But now a Malian woman has given birth to nine babies by cesarian, and they are all alive. Halima Cisse was told she was carrying seven babies; two more were a surprise.

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Doctors in the West African nation had been concerned for her welfare and the chances of the babies’ survival – so the government intervened.

After a two-week stay in a hospital in Mali’s capital, Bamako, the decision had been made to move Ms Cisse to Morocco on 30 March, Dr Siby said.

After five weeks at the Moroccan clinic, she had given birth by Caesarean section on Tuesday, the minister said.

Cisse has one older daughter, who stayed behind in Mali with her husband. The nontuplets, five girls and four boys, are said to be doing well. -via Boing Boing

(Image credit: the Malian Health Ministry)

Source: neatorama

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