Man Breaks Down Why Company Leaders Are Not Doing Enough To Maintain Their Employees In This Viral Post

Around 4.5M workers walked away from their jobs in November, which came out to 3 percent of the American workforce. While quitting rates are increasing in every industry, hospitality, health care, social assisting, and transportation were affected the most. Workers continue to have the upper hand in the labor market, leaving many employers struggling to fill the open positions.

Recently, Augie Ray, a vice president of research in customer experience at Gartner, created a post on LinkedIn that a member of the Anti Work subreddit quickly picked up and shared with the community. Ray provided a point-by-point explanation on why some company leaders should complain less and stop blaming the workers for the difficulties of recruiting and maintaining their employees.

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He focused on the bosses who are not doing enough to improve the workplace environment, working conditions, and the general well-being of their staff. Make sure to scroll down to find his insights right below.

Recently, Augie Ray provided a point-by-point explanation on why bosses should complain less about their employees

Image credits: Pxhere (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Augie Ray

His insights were quickly picked up by the Anti Work community, here’s what they had to say

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The post Man Breaks Down Why Company Leaders Are Not Doing Enough To Maintain Their Employees In This Viral Post first appeared on Bored Panda.


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