Meta's Head of Industrial Design has a Sense of Humor

Industrial designer Peter Bristol has a day job (you may have heard of the company where he’s VP of Industrial Design—Meta.) But on the side he still pursues his own self-initiated design projects. Here he’s cheekily mashed up two objets d’esign, Eero Aarnio’s rotomolded Puppy for Magis, and Konstantin Grcic’s Mayday Lamp for Flos.

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“The Cone of Light playfully combines two iconic pieces of design, the Magis Puppy by Eero Aarnio and the Flos Mayday Lamp by Konstantin Grcic.”

“The result is a perfect blend of whimsy and function. The dog’s leash acts as the power cord, its name tag is the dimmer, and its cone becomes the diffuser.”

“The Lamp can be used in multiple orientations, standing on its legs, balanced on it’s cone, or hanging by its tail.”

Source: core77

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