[NSFW] In the Future, Humans Mate with Jellyfish and It's Hard to Describe What Happens Next (Without Vomiting)

The cost of immortality is a tendency toward brutal sex á la the Japanese tradition of Guro in French animator Jeanne Boukraa’s newly-released animation, With Joy and Merriness. In fact, all everyday activities have devolved into depravity and violence, from Mom chopping vegetables and kids playing jump rope to some of the most savage bedroom scenes we’ve seen since the The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

The film’s premise is that humanity spliced our genes with those of an undying jellyfish. Once we couldn’t die, we became completely desensitized to the value of human life. Boukraa bills the film as an “experimental documentary where we observe, through every day scenes, the degeneration of a society where the rise of technology leeds the population to the biggest dream of all men: immortality.”

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Boukraa graduated in 2014 with a Masters from Ensav la Cambre, a Brussels architecture and visual arts school. With Joy and Merriness is a student film from her time there, which she’s now been published after winning awards at Glas Festival, Festival D’Angers, BSFF, Anibar Film Festival, Insomnia Festival Russia, and more. Her previous short film, Satan La Bite, is equally sexually charged and disturbing, following a group of horny French school kids tricked into coming to church by a group of nuns—with fatal results. 

With Joy and Merriness takes Boukraa’s fascination with the libido into the future, fusing it with booming overtones of casual cruelty. It starts with accidents simple acts of aggression, but quickly mutates, like the human genome, into an spectacular bastardization of all societal rituals. It’s fascinating to watch the world she creates erupt into bioengineered flames.

Check out the full film below:

See more of Jeanne Boukraa’s films on Vimeo and illustration on her website.


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Source: vice.com

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