Onions Too Sexy for Facebook

Sometimes a little censorship can do wonders. The Seed Company by EW Gaze put a post about their sweet Walla Walla onions seeds on Facebook, and a week later found the ad flagged for products with “overtly sexualized positioning.” Store manager Jackson McLean could hardly believe it, and finally decided that someone somewhere might have thought the onions were too round or something. He contacted Facebook and found it was no “someone,” it was just an algorithm that was overstimulated by the onions.  

“We use automated technology to keep nudity off our apps, but sometimes it doesn’t know a Walla Walla onion from a, well, you know,” Facebook Canada’s head of communications, Meg Sinclair, told BBC.

“We restored the ad and are sorry for the business’s trouble.”

The sexy onions are not only back on Facebook, but they’ve made the company go viral. Read more about the incident at BBC News. -via Digg 

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Source: neatorama

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