Order Shipments Might be Split (for Now)

Pencil gauges were one of the products that were part of “split” orders.

As we are cranking up our order fulfillment system here, some of the shipments are being fulfilled from Covington, some from Indianapolis and some are being fulfilled from both locations.

A few orders are “split” – meaning that part of the order comes from Covington and part comes from Indianapolis. We are working on making these split orders clear to customers, but for the next week or so it might be confusing.

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So if you ordered a hammer and a book, you might get the hammer from Covington in a couple days with the book following a day or two later. 

Anyway, we are working on smoothing this out; so stay tuned and thanks for your patience. 

— Christopher Schwarz

Source: lostartpress.com

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