Organized Crime is Everywhere

You’ve heard the old saying, there is strength in numbers. There’s also lots of money in groups who cooperate with each other to commit crimes. With money comes power, and money and power can attract more members and keep those members loyal to the group. There’s always someone else who wants a piece of the action. Organized crime includes all kinds of cooperative groups, from street gangs to drug cartels to the Mafia, some of which have continued for hundreds of years. You have to be pretty organized to keep that running. The activities of these groups sometimes run over into politics and legitimate business wherever money and the power can be found. However, this video does not include political or religious terrorist groups, because that would be too broad of a subject. While violence is often involved, these crime organizations are mainly going after riches. Weird History brings us eleven stories of organized crime activities from all over the world.  

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Source: neatorama

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