Reader Submitted: Nature-Inspired Crayons to Loosen Your Learned Coloring Biases

Core77 reader Shion Ito, whose work we’ve featured before, writes that their latest project is “a new type of crayon that provokes us to rethink our perception of colors.”

“LEAVES is a crayon set featuring hues like purple, red, orange, yellow, and yellow-green, drawing inspiration from the rich colors of leaves in nature.

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When you look at color palettes in nature, they consist of blended hues, creating intricate and captivating colors that are different from straightforward classifications by humans.

With the advent of “convenient” coloring tools developed by our ancestors, many of us tend to view colors as everlasting. Yet, in essence, colors are compositions of various hues that can transform over time.

Inspired by this overlooked aspect of colors, Ito created crayons that blend multiple hues within each color.”

View the full project here
Source: core77

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