Researchers Develope Wearable Robot Arms

At the University of Tokyo, researchers in the Information Somatics Lab / Prototyping & Design Laboratory have created wearable extra robot arms. Called Jizai Arms, the system consists of a back-worn device with six sockets, all of which can have an arm plugged into them; they do not mention how the arms are controlled, or even if the wearer is the one controlling them.

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While the development of Jizai Arms would surely interest those who have lost limbs, disappointingly the applications appear to be artistic rather than practical, judging by this short description and the demo video below:

“The system was designed to enable social interaction between multiple Jizai Arms wearers, such as an exchange of arm(s), and explore possible interactions between digital cyborgs in a cyborg society.”

An “exchange of arms” and “possible interactions between digital cyborgs” is all well and good. But I’m hoping they can evenutally get the system to button a shirt, assist a wearer with eating, manipulate doorknobs, et cetera.

Source: core77

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