Russian Debtors Were Targeted by “Pyramids of Shame”

A utilities company in Samara City, Russia resorted to “talking” pyramids to shame the residents who can’t pay their bills. There were notes shaming the debtors.

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Not only are the pyramids adorned with arrows and inscriptions like “a debtor lives here”, they also broadcast a recording every 10 minutes of how much the debtor is said to owe.

The public reaction, judging by comments to TV correspondents and on social media, has not been very favourable, with the audio shaming a particular bugbear.

Is shaming effective in collecting the dues? Not really. There were only complaints against the installation of the pyramids from inconvenienced residents and that allegedly, it only targets the poor.

Rossiya 1 says previous efforts by Samara Utility Systems to shame debtors, including laser projections of the sums owed onto the walls of their houses, recouped no more than 0.1% of the outstanding bills over the past two years.

Read more about this case here.

Image Credit: Rossiya 1 / YouTube

Source: neatorama

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