Scientists Discover Fossil with Baby Dinosaur Remains in Belly

Rarely do we find fossils that have other fossil remains inside them. We should expect that things that have been digested would not become fossilized. But a new recent find in Alberta, Canada shows exactly that: a gorgosaurus fossil with what seems to be fossilized remains of baby dinosaurs in its stomach.

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Most of the previous finds that had stuff in their stomachs were from herbivores, and that’s why this rare discovery is stirring up a lot of excitement among the scientific community. The fossil was first discovered in 2009 by Darren Tanke, a technician from the Royal Tyrrell Museum.

Tanke later noticed, as the team was cleaning up the fossil, that there were some toe bones poking out of the dinosaur fossil’s belly. When they looked further into it, they discovered that there were two complete pairs of legs and feet inside. They identified the two baby dinosaurs as Citipes elegans, a bird-like dinosaur.

Apparently, the gorgosaurus only ate the leg parts as they are considered the meatiest part.

(Image credit: Darla Zelenitsky/University of Calgary)

Source: neatorama

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