The 308 Matchstick Puzzle

I happened upon this interesting brain challenge on the web. The goal is to make the highest possible number by moving two matchsticks. There are 18 matchsticks which form the number 308. Now, it doesn’t really give any other restrictions, as long as you can form the highest number. However, it must be noted that when moving the two matchsticks, it should still form a number, therefore, just removing two matchsticks is not a solution.

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For my part, I had thought that it was a simple and straightforward answer. I simply thought that making the number 999 would be the highest possible number that would solve this puzzle. However, that was not the case as the answer was actually completely far off from what I had expected. And no, it’s not really very tricky either. I don’t want to give any hints, except that the solution is greater than 1000. It might even be much higher than that. It’s all about how creative one can be. If you want to know the answer to the puzzle, you may check out this video on Youtube from Simply Logical.

(Image credit: Simpy Logical/Youtube)

Source: neatorama

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