The Crazy Story of the Fake Burger King In Pittsburgh

One reason restaurant chains are so successful is that they are consistent at every location, so fans and travelers know what to expect. There’s a reason all Cracker Barrels face the interstate, even when that puts them at an odd angle to the road they are actually on. When one fast food outlet goes rogue, everyone notices. That was the case in 2014 at the South Side Burger King in Pittsburgh.  

The epic saga began when customers noticed that their food didn’t seem to taste like Burger King. That’s usually a compliment, but if you specifically choose to go to Burger King, it’s because you want that special experience of having your tastebuds beaten with a used sock full of nickels. The situation deteriorated as food began to be served in plain brown paper bags, without the famous BK logo. Fries came in dixie cups, drinks were in plain styrofoam cups, the burgers were wrapped in tin foil or sandwich paper. Some expert soda connoisseurs claimed that the Coke machine appeared to be dispensing Pepsi. Rumors spread that employees had been sighted loading up on burger buns in a nearby Giant Eagle supermarket.

The shenanigans at the particular outlet got much weirder before the media noticed and began investigating (after social media, of course). Read the true tale of the fake Burger King at Cracked.

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Source: neatorama

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