The History of Urban Planning: An Overview

You may have heard that a group of billionaires have recently bought tons of land in California near Travis Air Force Base, and apparently, the reason for their doing so was because they wanted to create an ideal city called California Forever. It’s no surprise since people have always been looking for ways to build and develop planned communities and cities that would fit the lifestyle, economic system, and sociocultural organization of the people living in that society.

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In this JSTOR article by Ashley Gardini, we get a quick glimpse of the design paradigms that societies have implemented in their urban planning from ancient civilizations to today. You may find that certain design schemes like the city grid was taken from the ancient Greek scholar Hippodamus, and to whom the term “Hippodamian plan” is attributed. Other styles emerged throughout the centuries like the utopian ideal of the Renaissance exemplified in the nine-point star pattern of the Venetian Republic. And of course, each of these designs reflect the ideal that people of the time had, as today, the prevalent design ideal is based on the New Urbanism school of thought.

(Image credit: Denys Nevozhai/Unsplash)

Source: neatorama

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