The Many Reasons TV Episodes Have Been Pulled Off the Air

When someone refers to a show that has been “banned” or “censored,” it’s usually not a violation of free speech by government authorities, but a reconsideration by the producers or TV networks for good reason. A well-intentioned script can seem innocuous, but after production is done, it turned out scarier, creepier, sexier, or more controversial than intended. Sometimes that only becomes obvious after the fact, when viewers complain, so the episode may air once and then disappear from reruns and syndication. Decades later, they can re-appear on home video or streaming.  

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The reasons this happens vary. In the very last episode of I Love Lucy, the Ricardos go to visit Ricky’s family in Havana. But it never aired because of the timing of US-Cuban relations. Three episodes from the Star Trek world were banned in various countries because they they were too sexy or politically sensitive. Some TV episodes were pulled because they were a little too soon after a national tragedy that was unintentionally reflected in the plot. Many of The Price Is Right episodes were pulled from the archives years later because the prizes were fur coats. A couple of shows involved copyright violations. A lot of programming aimed at young audiences were deemed too “adult” or too scary. One that you might never have seen coming was a Peppa Pig episode in which someone says, “Spiders can’t hurt you.” That one is never shown in Australia because it’s dangerous- spiders can hurt you very much down under.

Groovy History has the stories behind 61 television episodes that were pulled before or after airing, or else not shown in other countries for one reason or another. Most are available now if you know where to look.  

Source: neatorama

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