The Resureection of a Cinematic Cemetery

In the 1960s, Clint Eastwood made a name for himself starring in a trilogy of Westerns directed by Italian filmmaker Sergio Leone. These “spaghetti Westerns” were filmed in Spain. For the third film, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, a huge cemetery was built in the Castilla y León region out in the country, five kilometers from the nearest village. The Spanish military created more than 5,000 fake graves with markers or crosses for the film’s climax, which takes place at Sad Hill Cemetery. After filming, the crew left the cemetery as it was and never returned. The set was forgotten and was reclaimed by nature.

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But in 2015, a group called the Sad Hill Cultural Association went on a quest to find Sad Hill Cemetery. It wasn’t easy, and when they located the cemetery, restoring it to its 1966 appearance was also a chore. Spanish filmmaker Guillermo de Oliveira heard about the project, and made a documentary about finding and renovating Sad Hill, and included interviews with everyone from the locals who worked as extras to Clint Eastwood himself. The restored cemetery is now in the Spanish heritage register, and it’s a tourist attraction. Read the story at Sad Hill Cemetery at Amusing Planet.

(Image credit: Mijnmedia)

Source: neatorama

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