The Wild Demographics of Middle-earth

J.R.R. Tolkien’s world called Middle-earth is vast and varied, with many kinds of sentient creatures interacting through the adventures in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, and other works. Swedish chemical engineer Emil Johanssen is a fan who took on the huge project of collating and parsing the information from Tolkien’s works in maps, charts, and breakdowns of all sorts. One part of the project is figuring out the demographics of the various kinds of characters.

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One thing quite noticeable about those demographics is the dearth of female characters, which are only 18% of the 982 characters mentioned. Hobbits are 30% women, but no other type comes close. There doesn’t seem to be any female Orcs at all, but that may be because they were created by sorcery. However, that was only one of several possible Orc origins Tolkien mentioned. The life spans of each type of character vary widely, also. Hobbits live past 100 years easily, but the only two that lived past 130 were both aided by the Ring they carried. The lifespans of Men depended on which age they lived in. Read more about the statistics of Middle-earth at Big Think. -via Kottke

Source: neatorama

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