This smart adjustable furniture collection grows up with your kids

Imagine being able to buy one piece of furniture for your baby for the rest of his toddler life. With Dutch furniture brand Teehee’s new furniture collection – you actually can.

With the Illa and Illeta pieces of furniture from Teehee’s new range of baby furniture, parents can now stick to one baby bed and adjust it according to their child’s size and height. For babies, the Illa crib can be adjusted as a crib, a seat, and a changing table without adding or removing a single component. It also includes compartment shelves for storing baby clothes, toys, and baby stuff. The Illeta crib works on the same concept and can be converted to a bigger, longer bed as children grow up.

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These “little homes” are created with the goal of giving babies “the space to imagine, explore, play, and to be a child.”



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