Those We Lost in 2023: The Album Cover

As he does every year, British artist Chris Barker (@christhebarker) compiled images of the well-known people who died in 2023 into a composition that evokes the iconic cover for the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album. There sure are a lot of familiar faces in this one. To put names to those familiar faces, he also posted a graphic key and a master list so you can look them up. Once again, he went through multiple versions as more names were added. The objects in the foreground are symbolic of other deaths in 2023, such as the Ken doll for Bill Cunningham, who was the first to give Ken a voice. However, some like the Caramac bar and Lilt drink are products that went away. Those objects are included in the key as well.

Barker has done these compilations every year since 2016. You can see them in a previous post.

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Source: neatorama

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