Tom Scott's Final Weekly Video

Tom Scott has been doing a weekly video every Monday for ten years now. He’s taken us to many places and showed us amazing things we would never learn about otherwise. Tom announced months ago that he was going to stop doing that in 2024, and now the time has come. See, when you make your hobby into a job, then you no longer have a hobby. Ask me how I know. When you achieve your dream job, what can you then dream about? In Tom’s ten year anniversary and farewell video, he explains how he’s going to do less and be happier. What projects will he come up with for us to follow? Time will tell. There are a lot of links at the YouTube page that give us a hint he will be quite busy even without a weekly video.

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The second half of this video is a montage of the wild things he got to do in those ten years, with a surprise stunt woven through it. I guess he finally found the excuse to do it.

Source: neatorama

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