Top Baby Names Rejected by New Zealand Last Year

Some countries, like Denmark and Iceland, have a list of approved names you can give your baby. Some countries keep a list of names you can’t give your baby. New Zealand has no such lists, but each name is judged on a case-by-case basis, and must be approved by the Department of Internal Affairs. The department has released a list of the rejected names of 2023, led by Prince. That named supplanted last year’s top rejected name, King, but further down the list is Kiing and Kingkillah. New Zealand has a rule for rejecting titles for names, like Major, Bishop, Princess, Messiah, Judge, Captain, and Sovereign. See the list of names rejected by New Zealand authorities at Today. You have to wonder how they got two requests to name a child III3. Kiwi names used to be much more imaginative, as seen in this article from 2008.

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Americans would laugh at such tame attempts. For evidence of the things we name out children, all you have to do is take a peek at the subreddit r/tragedeigh. Be warned that it’s a serious time sink. -via Fark

(Image credit: jimieye)

Source: neatorama

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