Turning the Pill Bottle into a Lifeline: 855-HOW-TO-QUIT is Helping People Kick Opioid Addiction

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Every six minutes in the US, someone loses their life to opioids. It’s a devastating crisis, but a new initiative is offering a glimmer of hope. 855-HOW-TO-QUIT is a helpline with a unique twist: it uses the imprint codes on opioid pills as phone extensions, connecting those struggling with addiction to people who have successfully overcome it.

Imagine reaching for a pill, but instead of succumbing to addiction, you have a lifeline at your fingertips. That’s the power of 855-HOW-TO-QUIT. By dialing the code on your pill (OP for oxycodone becomes 67, IP33 for codeine becomes 4733), you’re connected to a former addict who understands your battle. They’ll share their story, offering encouragement and practical advice on how they kicked the habit.


This innovative approach goes beyond just phone calls. The website, 855-how-to-quit.org, serves as a hub for recovery resources. Here, you’ll find recorded stories, information on treatment options, and even ways to get involved in the fight against opioid addiction.

But 855-HOW-TO-QUIT isn’t just about individual stories. It’s a powerful collaboration between NGOs, healthcare professionals, activists, and creative agencies. This diverse group is working together to raise awareness, combat stigma, and most importantly, offer hope to those struggling.

The campaign itself is a masterpiece of simplicity. Billboards placed strategically near pharmacies and other relevant locations feature images of pills with the helpline number prominently displayed. The message is clear: help is just a phone call away.

855-HOW-TO-QUIT is a beacon of light in the midst of a dark epidemic. It’s a testament to the power of human connection, a reminder that no one has to fight addiction alone. If you or someone you know is struggling with opioids, there is help available. Visit 855-how-to-quit.org or dial 855-HOW-TO-QUIT today. You are not alone.

The minds behind 855-HOW-TO-QUIT is a powerful team effort. Serviceplan Innovation, the creative engine of a world-class ad agency, Serviceplan Group, spearheaded the initiative. They weren’t alone though.

Anzen Health, healthcare experts with a focus on addiction treatment, joined forces to make sure those struggling have access to the best resources. We Are Those People, a non-profit with a mission to share recovery stories and fight for better mental health treatment, lent their voice. PAIN, another non-profit, brought their experience in helping people and families rebuild after addiction.

Raw Materials, a design company, used their skills to craft a user-friendly and impactful campaign. Kimera, a design studio, helped create a clear and compelling visual identity. DaHouse, with their audio expertise, added an emotional layer to the message.

JOJX, a production company, brought the visuals to life, while Mediaplus, the media agency giant, ensured the message reached the right people across different platforms. Finally, Talon, the billboard specialist, put the helpline number in high-traffic areas to maximize its reach.

This collaboration proves that positive change happens when different experts from various fields join forces for a common good.

All images © by Serviceplan Innovation. Don’t hesitate to find other inspiring work in the Graphic Design and Branding sections on WE AND THE COLOR.

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Source: weandthecolor.com

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