Watching Superman Fly for Fun

Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!

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Chris Wolfe, the RC Geek, recently posted a New Year greeting featuring a flying Superman. He originally built this remote control Superman for the 2015 Big Jolt RC event in California. It’s very lightweight, made of foam, and therefore did not break the pavement on his nose-plant landing, as the real Superman might have. Wolfe thinks this contraption looks more like one of the Beatles than it looks like Superman. Check out his post about the event, and you’ll also see him flying a remote control Snoopy on his Sopwith Camel, although it look suspiciously like a dog house to us. That only makes it all the more stunning to see soaring through the air. -via Geeks Are Sexy

Source: neatorama

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