Xena: Warrior Princess Ball Gown


Cosplayer Bernadette Bentley has played various creative versions of Xena for years. Her latest is one of her best: Xena as a warrior princess ready for the ball. The dress is hard to wear, so don’t expect her to jump and flip like Lucy Lawless does:

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First time I wore this I had 1 plastic hoop skirt and 2 giant crinolines to hold the weight of the skirt(it’s reeeeeally heavy!) and still have the princess poof … the updated version has a much stronger and larger hoop skirt with only 1 crinoline that had to have 1 layer cut out and now it actually doesn’t touch the ground which makes it easy not to trip on ??. It’s much easier to maneuver but still really heavy— but dang do the chains look amazing! .

Source: neatorama

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