“Zaluuokhin” by Fin DAC in Adelaide

After his recent trip to New Zealand, Fin DAC made the short hop across the water to Australia where he hopes to make a few stops and paint a number of murals.

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The first of those stops is a return to the location of one of his most famous works. His ‘Shinka’ piece  painted in Adelaide in Jan 2016 was subsequently featured on an Aus Post Street Art Stamp collection… so you could say he has a lot to live up to this time around.

‘Zaluuokhin’ is the result of 3 days work and is another gem to add to his ‘Hidden Beauty’ series of works.

As has been a pattern with quite a few of his more recent works, Fin once again has tried to incorporate actual wall/building features into the work. Check the night time photo where those ornaments, hanging from the Models head, light up.

As always with these pieces, the artist hasn’t divulged the exact location but in his own words “It’s somewhere in the CBD”.

The post “Zaluuokhin” by Fin DAC in Adelaide appeared first on StreetArtNews.

Source: streetartnews.net

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