28 Disturbing Human Body Facts That Might Trigger You, As Shared By This TikToker

The human body is a fascinating thing. But despite the fact that we live in this complex sack of flesh for our entire lives, many of us know very little about it. And while there are plenty of fun facts to learn about our bodies, like that information travels to our brains at 268 miles per hour, there are also many facts about ourselves that we actually might not want to know.

But if you’re in the mood to be disturbed, you’re in luck. Because below, we’ve gathered a list of some of the most unsettling facts about the human body that one TikToker has been enlightening his followers with. Enjoy learning something new about these bodies we cart around, and be sure to upvote all of the disturbing facts that you can’t believe are true (or those that you wish weren’t true). 

More info: TikTok


Sometimes when you have a runny nose, it isn’t snot. It’s cerebral fluid that the brain leaks to reduce pressure.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Every child’s jaw is packed with teeth which sounds normal until you realise this is what it looks like.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


That weird feeling you get on a roller coaster is actually your internal organs slightly shifting around inside you, especially the ones not secured by ligaments like the intestines.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


If you rub the soles of your feet with garlic, you’ll begin to taste it 30 minutes later, there’s a compound in garlic that penetrates cell membranes, travels up the bloodstream, and reaches your taste buds. Meaning you can taste garlic with your feet.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


There’s a kind of tumor that can cause teeth to grow in a woman’s ovaries and a male’s testicles.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


If you force someone to stay awake without giving them any food, they’ll die of lack of sleep before they die of starvation.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades which is why your stomach is in a constant battle to not digest itself. Only being kept in check by mucus.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Because we evolved to walk on two feet, the pelvis and birth canal of women got narrower meaning they have to suffer one of the most painful births on the planet, which is why in 1780 chainsaws were used to saw off a part of the pelvic bone to make childbirth easier.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Men can actually produce milk, it’s more common than you think most men are just too ashamed to admit it. And it can be triggered by starvation. Concentration camp survivors were given food after being starved for weeks and for some reason, they started lactating.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Sometimes during brain surgery, they’ll peel your face forward like a goddamn banana.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


You produce more earwax when you’re stressed and stressed earwax smells way worse than the regular stuff

Image credits: mndiaye_97


One of the first things a surgeon does before the surgery is clean out the belly button because there can be 67 types of bacteria in there.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Since you shed about 40,000 skin cells a day, the dust you see in your house actually used to be part of you. Which means every time you breathe in someone else’s house, you could be inhaling 1000s of somebody else’s skin flakes.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


The brain has no pain receptors, meaning it’s possible for people to stay awake and talk to doctors while they’re performing brain surgery on them

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Most people think the brain feels like wet clay but the human brain actually feels like melted butter. Without special chemicals you wouldn’t even be able to pick it up

Image credits: mndiaye_97


If someone sneezes in your face, they’re launching germs at you at 100 miles per hour. Coughs aren’t that bad because they’re only about 60 miles per hour.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


When you really think about it we’re all just three-pound brains piloting meat bicycles we call bodies

Image credits: mndiaye_97


When you breathe, most of the air goes in one nostril and comes out the other and they switch roles every couple of hours. And you’re checking right now, right?

Image credits: mndiaye_97


There could be mites having sex on your eyelashes right now you would have no way of knowing

Image credits: mndiaye_97


You aren’t actually you, you’re just a brain controlling the body. The things that make you you is decided by a three-pound wrinkly mess of tissue.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


The water you drink has probably been inside someone or something else.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


If a woman’s ligaments stretch and her muscles aren’t strong enough her uterus can straight up fall out of her. Kegels are your friend.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


If you decapitated someone, the disembodied head will be conscious for 15 to 20 seconds, long enough for them to realize what you did to them

Image credits: mndiaye_97


You can exchange as many as 80 million bacteria in one 10 second kiss, and if you kiss your partner multiple times a day you’ll develop similar colonies of oral bacteria.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Your immune system doesn’t always recognize the eye as part of the body which is why there are many diseases where the immune system attacks and tries to destroy the eye which could blind you in the process.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Your brain lies to you all the time. if you turn your head too quickly, your brain can’t possibly process everything. So it’ll take what little information it was able to grab and fill in the missing blanks. There’s another way your brain kind of lies to you. If you cover one, the reason you don’t see a big black void in your vision is because the brain basically makes up and fills in the missing parts based on the surroundings.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


When you die, your body will begin digesting itself as enzymes eat through cell membranes and leak out.

Image credits: mndiaye_97


Placentophagy is the practice of a woman eating the placenta that comes out after she gives birth. And apparently, she has two options. She could cook it or eat it fresh out. A Canadian study claimed that 24% of women polled ate the placenta.

Image credits: mndiaye_97

Source: boredpanda.com

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