30 Of The Most Interesting Historical Places Spotted Around The World, As Shared On This Twitter Page

Even when we live in a state of constant change, some things continue to have a firm foundation. We’re talking about interesting and stunning castles, monasteries, abandoned houses, and many more buildings that withstood the test of time and are in view to anyone who’s only willing to look.

You see, you don’t have to be Indiana Jones to track down these wonderful pieces of history. Before you even begin to study the dusty maps and pack your adventurer’s backpack, you can look at the most amazing architectural monuments from the comfort of your own home. So let us present to you the Interesting Old Places Twitter account. This page is the perfect place to show some love to the hundreds of centuries of human history that have produced some rather breathtaking treasures that continue to fascinate travelers to this day.

Get ready to take a deep dive into the past because Bored Panda has handpicked some of the most incredible pictures of old places this account had to offer. Upvote your favorite ones, let us know what you think, and be sure to share the architecture gems you know of right below in the comments!


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

Ever since Interesting Old Places joined the Twittersphere in October 2021, the project has amassed quite the follower count. More than ​​71K devoted fans observe the page and get invited to “​​enjoy the account and pictures of some amazing old places.” Once you look at these stunning photos, it’s no wonder why the account keeps on growing.

The creator shares captivating images that call forth a feeling of adventure, discovery of lost treasures and mysteries hiding behind the centuries-old walls. The founder also states they do not own any content posted on the account, and they welcome anyone who wants to share information about the photographers and give credit where credit is due. Plus, if you have any questions about the history of the building featured on the page, they leave all the necessary information in the captions, so it’s easy to look it up.


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

Standing in front of historic buildings can provide you with a tangible link with the past. As you’re scrolling down and turning back the pages of time, you’ll notice just how mesmerizing these historical architecture gems are. You’ll probably also realize how important it is to protect them so that future generations could show the same amount of appreciation as you do right now.

Think about any ancient structure you ever had the pleasure to visit — there are likely very few surviving examples of its kind. And while they can make anyone awe-struck by having centuries of history reflected on their facades, they may begin to look very unappealing over time. That’s why preserving historic buildings is a key part of keeping communities connected with their past. Heritage planning and policy advisor Marvin Thomas explained to Toronto Star that the best method to ensure the longevity of a historic structure would be to utilize it by finding a purpose for it.

“The best way to preserve a historic building is to ensure it can continue to be used in some fashion. There are some very good museums and interpretive centers that historic buildings are being used for, but not every historic building can be a museum. It’s important to find other kinds of uses for them,” he explained.


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

While sometimes it might be used for the intent for which it was originally built, that is rarely the case. “There are lots of examples of historic buildings being used for new things, like condos for example, or perhaps other types of housing. The architectural character of these buildings often makes them popular for things like restaurants or retail shops or professional services,” he said and added that the process of making a building functional for contemporary use and preserving its heritage features at the same time is called adaptive reuse.


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

One of the main motivations behind finding a use for a historic building is to generate income for it. “Without generating any type of revenue or income, it can be very expensive just to freeze a building in time and keep it as a museum piece as opposed to keeping it as a functioning viable building in a community.”

He continued: “It’s not like building a new building [or] doing a straight-on renovation of a non-historic building. The biggest thing is that certain architectural pieces of the building really express and embody and create the character of that building. So when you’re doing that renovation, you’ll have to take care to preserve those. So balancing the functional needs of a contemporary building with the building’s heritage and character is the biggest challenge. That and building code requirements.”


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

Moreover, there are plenty of benefits for the communities as well. Thomas explained that besides the obvious economic advantages, “they also have strong cultural and social values, they help connect us to the past and help tell a story of how our communities change and developed over the years.”

“We also shouldn’t forget the environmental benefits of repurposing buildings. A lot of energy and materials went into their construction, so as long as they can be used it’s better than sending them to the landfill,” he added.


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

After all, it’s important to preserve and save these old places full of culture and heritage, and carry them with us into the future. As Swiss architect Mario Botta once said, “Memory and history should be the absolute priorities for architects as the source of inspiration for new architecture. But today, so many people forget the past. It is unfortunate.”


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces


Image credits: derelictpIaces

Source: boredpanda.com

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