55 People Confess What Things They Completely Lost Interest In As They Grew Older

Ever feel like going out until 3 AM and smashing Four Lokos as if there’s no tomorrow has lost all its meaning? Or that the Lord of The Rings trilogy is not as deep and profound as you once believed it to be? Well, if you’re afraid that something’s wrong with you, you’re not alone.

Pondering what we are all secretly thinking, u/To55ursalad opened a flood of great, relatable answers by asking the AskReddit community, “What do you feel you are losing interest in as you grow older?” Ranging from your usual suspects – video games, opinions of others, dating – going all the way to more philosophical takes like “society” or “life”, we’ve gathered the most interesting answers that will surely resonate with many. Unless, of course, getting old has made you lose all interest in that too.


Losing interest in caring what others think of me.

Image credits: Traditional-Fox-2477


Any and all celebrities.

Image credits: Oldandnotbold


Romantic relationships. I used to base my entire happiness off of them but the older you get; the more you realize that finding “love” doesn’t solve all of your problems. If anything it just creates more.

Image credits: VanaVisera


Trying to impress…I am at the “What you see is what you get” stage in life and I love it.

Image credits: DifferentTheory2156


Movies. Nowadays most movies are as generic as off-brands from a grocery store that nobody goes to.

Image credits: ImpalaLT


Going out.




Some of my friends will go bowling and have beers once a month.

I have yet to join them because I’d rather chill with my dog and have beers. Especially since it would be a 30min drive one way for such a meh event.

Image credits: SnuffyandBird


Politics. I just don’t care anymore. I don’t want to paint with a broad brush here, but every politician in the world is a lying, selfish, conniving dick. Left, right, center — it doesn’t matter. They’re lying to you, and they don’t give a s**t about you.


I recently came across this statement, that I agree with…

When you’re younger you spend more money on “fun”, when you’re older you spend more money on comfort/convenience.

I find as I’ve gotten older, I’m less interested about having “fun”, and I’m way more concerned in being comfortable.

It’s not that I don’t want to have a fun time, it’s just comfort is more interesting to me now, lol.


Reading, unfortunately. In my 20’s I literally had a collection of over 600 books and if I had the time, would finish a novel in a day. As I get older, I feel like I’m getting dumber? And I just lose more of my attention span and being able to read for long periods of time. It sucks.

Image credits: Majestic_Jazz_Hands


Living downtown or anywhere near it. I thought buying a house in the suburbs was basically death when I was 21. Now the last thing I wanna do on a Friday night is wade through crowds of drunk college kids, step over the homeless, and shout over the music in a bar. Currently house shopping in small towns with cute main streets that close down at 9.

Image credits: TracksuitBear


Maintaining relationships with people who don’t reciprocate the same effort or consideration. And just generally engaging in small talk and getting to know people. Too much selfishness in the world.

Image credits: Click_Slight


Working. God I hate working now. I used to think I needed to be passionate about my job, but now I’m just trying to make enough money to support a family. Means to an end lol

Image credits: mr_meeseeks_can-do


Social media. I uninstalled Facebook a few weeks ago as it was just taking up space on my phone, and I don’t miss it at all. I can’t believe the embarrassing c**p I used to think was social media worthy, and I cringe whenever I see my old Instagram stories.

Image credits: Silent-Zebra


Brand names. Can’t believe I used to pay extremely large companies like Nike for merchandise that was just a walking advertisement for them.

Image credits: Particular-Topic-445


Fashion, especially shoes that hurt.

Image credits: LowlySparrow


TV. You see the same shows with the same scenarios remade and remade under different names. There are quality TV shows out there still but few and far between.


Competition. I don’t have to time or interest to want to compete on who’s better looking, who’s carrying more expensive bags, who’s driving better cars etc.

At this age I’m happy with being happy.


Video games. It’s getting harder and harder for me to find new games I like playing. I just end up replaying old games again.

Image credits: revtim


Childish drama and gossip.


Arguing. It’s just not worth it.


Owning things/stuff. I feel like I don’t really buy anything except for necessities anymore. Just don’t see the point in having a lot of stuff. I’ve gotten rid of most of my possessions, even my album collection that used to mean so much. Now it’s like… meh.

Image credits: Caseated_Omentum


Sex. I mean I enjoy it but I certainly don’t have the sex drive I did as a younger man and I’m happy about that.

Image credits: NCBadAsp


Drinking alcohol. In the exchange, I’ve gained interest in caring for my long term health.


Society. Serious answer. I’m done with people and politics and consumerism and all of it. I spend countless hours fantasizing about liquidating everything I own and living in a small cabin in the woods for the rest of my days and just letting the world burn. But I have a wife and job and kids and all that stuff. So I’ll just keep working and paying my bills and going to social events and pretending that I give a s**t about any of this.


Dating. Being single and living alone is amazing.

Image credits: MookieV


Trappings of ‘success’ flexing; home/cars/clothes, all of it. Just want quality goods and healthiness.


Staying up late.

Image credits: SuvenPan




SyzygyTooms replied:

Same! I sometimes lament that I don’t have huge friend groups like some people I know, but I also rarely have the energy for social functions when I do attend.

I also have the tendency to attract sh**ty people as friends, so that’s a whole other bag of worms.

Image credits: Emiliootjee


Having Saturday and Sunday off. I prefer to have my days off in the middle of the week. Less crowds, nothing is sold out, stores are open longer, staff are less stressed, doctors and libraries are actually open and Wednesdays church is way better than the Sunday services.


Buying new stuff. Thrift stores, estate sales, and yard sales are the best!

Image credits: Babysub1


Events starting late. Local fireworks show started at 9:22 last night. Like cmon do all the thank yous, 50/50 and national anthem at 845 and have the first boom right at 9.


Contemporary popular music. The last time I bought music, it came on a CD. I really don’t like what is popular now, they all sound like contestants from American Idol.


In addition to material things, I’ve lost interest in gossip or hearing about any mistakes people have made in the past. To be, bringing up someone’s past or any gossip about them is a sign of very low intelligence. It suggests you have no original thoughts, so you rely on the imperfections of others to fuel conversation.

Nobody is perfect. People make mistakes. What’s important is who you are today, right now, and who you’re trying to be in the future. If you try to talk to me about someone’s past, it’ll be the last time we speak.




For me, drawing. I used to be an avid artist, especially as a teenager, and I was pretty good at it too. But as I’m getting older, I find myself making less time for it and feeling like there are more important things to do. I’ve also kind of adopted the “if it’s not productive it’s a waste of time” mentality (not saying it’s a good thing, but I’m too busy with work and school to not be productive).


Working for other people.


Decorating a Christmas tree. Haven’t been able to muster enthusiasm for one for the last 2-3 years now.

I have an artificial Christmas wreath now with lights and decorations and I hang that up in the living room. I feel just as Christmas-y with it


Interactions with humans. Hell I don’t even read the replies to my comments on reddit or social media. Both inboxes are filled with messages I will never read. I like to come, say my part then leave. Face to face is even worse and I would much rather be with my kids or my dogs then hang out with people. I enjoy my solitude


Music. I used to listen to music all the time and was constantly on the hunt for new bands and keeping an eye on the local concert scene. Now if I’m listening to anything it’s usually an album I loved back in college and the idea of going to a concert sounds absolutely exhausting.


Star Wars and super hero movies, which is all I consumed for nearly half my life.


This isn’t really a good thing to lose interest in, but honestly, my fitness. I saw an ad yesterday that said “get the abs of your dreams” (or some s**t like that) and I just didn’t care; I thought “nah, had abs in my 20s, that’s enough of that.” I’ve been big into working out and had physical hobbies, and was toned, trimmed and strong. I spent my teens, 20s, and early 30s competing in martial arts, doing CrossFit, running, biking, powerlifting, always making time for the gym . . . And within the last couple years the desire has just gone. I felt myself getting out of breath going up stairs recently (in my defense I was going up like 16 flights with heavy gear after just jogging from the back of the parking lot); like how the f**k does that happen?!


People pleasing, fitting in, spending time with unkind people just because they have some redeeming qualities, dairy, getting drunk, spending money on luxuries, living with other people, my college friend group from like 8 years ago.

The last one kinda stings; I can’t imagine completely falling out of touch with all of them, but we’re certainly drifting apart in some ways.


Christ, what *aren’t* I losing interest in as I grow older. My idea of a good day is one where I don’t have to get out of bed before midday and I have literally nothing planned for the afternoon.


Happiness. Not by choice or anything; I just can’t pay bills with life satisfaction. My only real option is to work until I die because if I tell my apartment office that I can’t make rent because I’m overworked and overstressed, they’ll just tell me to get out and that I also owe them the remainder of the rent on the lease and also a lease breakage fee.


Sports. When I was young I took my identity from the sports teams I followed. Now I’m 52, and don’t have the time or energy to keep up with all of the minutia of sports that I used to care so deeply about.


The USA. I used to be very politically active. Worked on a few campaigns. Always debating irl and online.

But as I’ve aged I find myself politically homeless.

I’ve lived in deeply blue and deeply red counties and cities. Both are greedy. Both are self declared arbiters of their version of morality.

So I’ve checked out of voting and caring.


Playing a musical instrument.


Trying to control things.




I had very few interests throughout my life.


Food doesnt taste as good as it did when I was younger. It also makes me fat, so I cant just eat what I like. And as I get older, my taste buds and digestion system will get worse.

Television has been less entertaining over the years. Predictable and sanitized. Everything being political or a remake or a live action version of a cartoon doesnt help.

Manga that I like is hard to fond in English and I often lose track of manga I like

Pokemon is fine but…lonely without someone to play with. And I’ve never had that.

Interestingly enough, my interest in making a friend or having a relationship is rising. I was always alone as a child, and even in college, I was content being alone. But now i’m on decade 3, and I have been putting in real effort to find connection. Nothing but failure so far, but who knows?

And maybe my fading interests will be more interesring with someone to share them with.


Making my boss happy (it’s one of those “were a family” bosses that talks s**t about everyone else and thinks I’m coming to work to listen to it for hours.)


Finding myself. I haven’t found myself yet and I’m steadily accepting I never will. Like not in any movie like way where I finally understand my place in the world and what my personality actually is. I just seem to like whatever people on Reddit tell me to like these days.


Man I wish it wasn’t so but the mainline Pokemon games. I feel like I’m playing them out of habit at this point, either that or Scarlet/Violet just weren’t that good. I put over 100 hours into Sword because it was like the first definitive Switch new Pokemon experience. Funny enough, I wasn’t mad at Dexit or graphics or anything at all. I was like guys, it’s Pokemon, on Switch, this is awesome. I’ve gotten an entry of every mainline Switch Pokemon game since, and just get less and less enticed to be a completionist. I have barely touched what little there is of the postgame in Scarlet, it just felt so half-hearted or something. The amount of enthusiasm that the characters show in their dialogue is ironically saccharine compared to what seems to be the actual effort made on behalf of the developers.


Trying hard to learn things to improve. Endlessly thinking about things really doesn’t get you anywhere.


Spending lots of time alone. I used to love spending time by myself as a kid and a teenager. Now I’m like, meh, I feel bored and lonely when I have too much alone time.
Source: boredpanda.com

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