A Theme Park Designer Talks Next-Gen Parks, an AI Watches Bob Ross on Drugs & a Deflated Pikachu Dancer Struggles Through Performance

The Core77 team spends time combing through the news so you don’t have to. Here’s a weekly roundup of our favorite finds from the World Wide Web:

Why Cosabella replaced its agency with AI and will never go back to humans.

Design unveiled for Obama Presidential Center.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONSsnNcxhg8&w=560&h=315]Psychedelic sketching.

American schools are training kids for a world that doesn’t exist.

Shiba napping while commuting.

A realistic look at the future of the theme park industry, including a theme park designer’s take on Nintendo Land.

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This Pikachu dancer’s costume started to deflate and it looked like the dancer was urgently bundled off by government security agents. pic.twitter.com/5dLLc1bopd

— Paul Haine (@paul_haine) May 5, 2017

Dance party.

If Iron Man put his suit on like Sailor Moon

Welp, this was a sticky design situation to be in.

An AI literally on digital drugs turned Bob Ross into a freaky psychedelic nightmare. This is terrifying on so many levels. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSCk4Zi2XSU&w=560&h=315]Fun Star Wars Day build.

Speaking of Star Wars, here’s a look at the series’ iconic sound design

Hot Tip: Check out more blazin’ hot Internet finds on our Twitter page.

Source: core77

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