Algorithmic Lace Weaves 16th Craft with 21st Technology

Algorithmic Lace Weaves 16th Craft with 21st Technology

Combining 16th century lace weaving technique with three-dimensional modeling, Lisa Marks’ “Algorithmic Lace” presents an impressive convergence of technology and craft, one that earned the designer this year’s Grand Prix winner of Lexus Design Award 2019.

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Currently an instructor at Parsons School of Design specializing in 3D Modeling and Temporary Environment, Marks’ “Algorithmic Lace” combines function and beauty into a body positive option for post-mastectomy cancer survivors fashioned to also provide fully customized structural comfort. The exemplary combination earned praise and the grand prize amongst this year’s panel of judges who were tasked to review a total of 1,548 idea submissions from 65 countries across the globe.

When we think of algorithms, we usually think of computers and the high-tech industry. But the textile industry is where algorithms were first deployed as a means to realize new aesthetic choices in fabrics during the 19th century.

– John Maeda / technologist, Lexus Design Award 2019 judge

The Lexus Design Award is an annual international design competition conceived to spotlight and support designers and creators whose works can help to shape a better future, providing six finalists to work with a world-class team of established design and innovation talent as mentors to create prototypes of their designs to eventually exhibit.

Source: design-milk

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