‘Did You Know’: 30 Facts About Cats That You Might Not Have Heard Of

If you own a cat, you probably never get bored. Looking at them pouncing, bouncing, stalking, and purring is a source of entertainment right there. And if we have to name a few things the internet is obsessed with, it has to be our beloved feline friends and the never-ending supply of fun facts. So what if we combine these two?

Figgy The Feline is a TikTok account dedicated purr-ely to two fluffy goofballs, Figgy and Juliet. With their informative clips, they’re teaching more than 233.1K followers lesser-known tidbits about them and their mysterious logic.

So if you’re looking for some cool and interesting facts to share with your fellow cat-loving friends, we’ve got you covered. Keep scrolling, upvote the ones you didn’t know about, and share your thoughts in the comments below! Psst! If you consider yourself a true feline fan, be sure to check out our most recent posts about them right here and here.

@figgythefeline We do love a good cat fact #DidYouKnow #fyp #viral #catsoftiktok ♬ Because of You – Ne-Yo


Cats sometimes yawn to end confrontation with another animal. It is basically their way of saying “whatever, not worth my time”. Cats are so sassy.

Image credits: figgythefeline


When cats slowly blink at you, they’re basically saying “I LOVE YOU”. In the wild, cats slow blink with each other as a way to show trust.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats are considered “obligate carnivores,” Dogs are “facultative carnivores”. Obligate carnivores MUST eat meat to thrive, facultative carnivores need meat but are able to survive on some non-meats. (Cats should never be on a vegan/vegetarian diet.)

Image credits: figgythefeline

We managed to get in touch with Rachel Wolfe, Figgy and Juliet’s human and founder of the account. She was kind enough to talk about her adorable furballs and why people always want to learn more about their beloved pets. “We joined TikTok in the early days of the pandemic to pass the time,” she told Bored Panda

While today the account has collected more than 5M likes, Rachel knew almost nothing about the platform once she started. “I was under the assumption that the app was mostly dancing and lip-syncing videos, and thought that a cat being on the app was a completely novel idea.” 

The creator explained that Figgy often stands up on his back feet while playing, so her “original vision for his page was to use those clips to make it appear as if he was dancing”. She quickly found out that “‘Cat TikTok’ not only existed but was one of the larger niche groups on the platform.”


Guinness World Records no longer records “fattest cat”. There was (valid) concern that cat owners would intentionally overfeed to get the record.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Ancient Egyptians would shave their eyebrows when their cats died. It was a sign of mourning. They would mourn the loss of the cat until the eyebrows grew back. Cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt. They were believed to be magic beings.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats walk in a unique way. They move both right feet first and then both of their left feet. The only other mammals that walk this way are camels and giraffes.

Image credits: figgythefeline

Rachel was eager to tell us more about her beloved pets. “Figgy (aka The Figster, Mr. Fig, and Figs) is an almost-5-year-old domestic shorthair—although his cat DNA test results show he is most genetically similar to the Maine Coon.” She found him a few days after graduating college “as a teeny tiny kitten stranded in the rain. He has been living the spoiled cat life ever since.” 

“His eyes add so much emotion to his face and he seems to always have the perfect expression in any scenario,” the creator continued. “He often looks cranky and a bit intimidating, but he is such a sweet cat and loves to make friends with everyone he meets.” 

Exactly four years ago, Rachel adopted a second cat and called her Juliet. “She is about the same age as Figgy and is tiny, tailless, and extra floofy. Figgy has grown to love her very much, although he would never admit it if he could talk,” she jokingly added.


There is a train station in Japan that employs cats as stationmasters.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats developed a special type of meow in order to get their way with humans. The “irresistible” sound is a combo of purring and meowing. The sound frequency is similar to an infant crying, and our brain struggles to ignore it.

Image credits: figgythefeline


A group of cats is called a CLOWDER.
A group of wild cats is called a DESTRUCTION.

Image credits: figgythefeline/

With their random personalities and wacky stunts, cats rule the web. Whether it’s videos about dancing, life advice, or general knowledge about our feline friends, followers of this account sure seem to enjoy their content. “I think Figgy’s lovable little face has a lot to do with it, but we also try to sprinkle a little bit of fun facts about cats into all of our content.” 

Many people believe that cats are mysterious and strange creatures that are the perfect source for creating such clips. Even though they tend to act a bit weird, “those quirky things almost always stem from an instinct and we try to share information about that in the video’s captions and comments on both TikTok and Instagram.” 


Cats have an extra organ. It’s called the vomeronasal organ and it allows them to “taste” air particles. (Has your cat ever stared at you with their mouth open? They are using that organ.)

Image credits: figgythefeline


Does your cat ever lick you? Congrats, they are in love. Grooming others is very important in the social world of a cat.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats can dream. They are probably dreaming about hunting, according to scientists. Cats also have nightmares about bad experiences.

Image credits: figgythefeline

According to Rachel, interesting tidbits of knowledge about our four-legged friends help many to grow closer with and better understand their pets. “Each time we share information about common cat behaviors such as dropping toys in their water dishes, chattering while watching birds out the window, or kneading and ‘making biscuits’ on blankets, we receive comments from cat parents who didn’t know other cats did those things as well.” 


About 40% of cats are either right or left “pawed” just like humans.
Males are more likely to be left pawed, females are more likely to be right pawed.

Image credits: figgythefelin


Cats domesticated themselves!
Cats chose to stick around humans because they hunted the rodents that their crops attracted.

Image credits: figgythefeline


A cat’s nose has a unique “print” like a human fingerprint. No two cats have identical nose prints (even litter mates have unique prints)

Image credits: figgythefeline

“We always joke about how we basically have wild animals living in our house: so many of the things indoor cats do mimic the hunting or survival instincts they would be using out in the wild,” the creator said. “It is fun to watch them stalk a mousey toy or knead their bed before laying down, knowing they would be doing very similar things if they were out on their own.”

Even though our felines amuse and confuse us, it’s all part of their charm. So if you’re always eager to learn the lesser-known facts about the little lion in your living room, make sure to give the account a follow.


Studies suggest that cat owners are healthier than dog owners. Cat owners have been found to be less likely to have a heart attack or stroke, likely because of cats’ calming effects.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Feral, unspayed cats can have litters of 3 – 7 kittens every 4 months. Those kittens have kittens. Their kittens have kittens, and so on. Spaying and neutering halts this process and prevents THOUSANDS of kittens.


Cats instinctively prefer to drink running water. In the wild, cats avoid stagnant water because it is likely to be contaminated.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats spend roughly 2/3 of their day sleeping. This means that a 3 year old cat has only been awake for about 1 year of its life.

Image credits: figgythefeline


A house cat is over 95% tiger (genetically).
They have many of the same behaviors, like play hunting, scent marking, and pouncing.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats are responsible for the extinction of at least 63 animal species. This has landed them a spot on the “100 worst invasive species” list.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats often carry the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which causes rats to be attracted to cats. T. gondii makes its way to the rodent’s brain, and stops the natural fear response to cats. They seek them out, leading to their death and the cats’ meal.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats actively choose to ignore us sometimes. Studies suggest that cats often hear us call for them but decide to ignore us. They believe it is because they were not bred to listen to humans, like dogs.


Cats do not like their water being located near their food. In the wild, cats do not drink water near their food (dead animals) because it could be contaminated. This instinct is present in house cats.


Cats communicate with their whiskers. Whiskers that are still usually mean relaxed, forward usually means curious, and back usually means upset.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats get the “zoomies” from built up energy. They are like a wind-up toy: once energy is built up, they must let it out.


Cats can find their way home even if they have traveled many miles. Scientists don’t know how they do it. Some believe they can sense the earth’s magnetic field, others believe they use their strong senses.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats can develop depression (usually caused by external stressors). Some symptoms include loss of appetite, reduced energy levels, and changes in litter box usage.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cat whiskers are WAY MORE than just cute.

They pick up vibrations that help cats navigate their environment and determine spaces they can fit through (they are about the same width as their body).

Trimming a cat’s whiskers causes them to become very disoriented.

Image credits: figgythefeline


Cats can get acne. It is fairly common and is usually on the chin.

Image credits: figgythefeline

Source: boredpanda.com

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