Expedia mashed up the best features of 14 cities to create hybrid travel destinations

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend the day walking over Australia’s Harbour Bridge then finding yourself lost in the maze of charming, authentic shops of Marrakech? Or go through an architectural study of Dubai’s modern engineering wonders and Paris’ iconic structures all in one day? With Expedia’s recent campaign, you can.

One of the biggest travel companies in the world picked out the best bits of two cities and mashed them up into one hybrid location. This graphic series is aimed to inspire travelers and provide them a new perspective of each city.

Rio Londoneiro is a mix of Rio’s laid-back vibes and London’s rich culture and museums. Bang York, Bangkok and New York, is a concrete jungle that never sleeps backdropped by 400 Buddhist temples.  Cape Roma is made for romance where Cape Town’s cuisine and Rome’s classical ruins make for an unforgettable first date. Moscanbul is a city of bursting colors and historical buildings. And Seoulhi is a perfect mix of Delhi’s historical roots and Seoul’s continuously evolving architecture.

Can you guess the hybrid travel destinations by looking at the pictures?


Source: designfaves.com

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