Featured Artist Mallory Zondag

Fiber artist Mallory Zondag creates soft sculpture inspired by the textures and variety found in nature. Enjoy more of her work by visiting her website.


Artist Mallory Zondag working on her fiber art


I create fiber art to address our relationship with the natural world. I seek to explore the spaces in between comfort and discomfort, the tension between wonder and repulsion, and the void between reverence and destruction.


“Cocoons 3” mixed fibers and wax (part of the Allentown Art Museum installation of “Cocooned”) Each piece approximately 16” x 30”


I create soft sculptures using a variety of textile techniques, a multitude of mediums and found objects. Varying my textures and materials, from wool to wax, connects me to the core of my work—nature.


“Forest Floor” wool, silk and cotton, 14” x 38”


The natural world is vast and varied. It repeats itself infinitely and creates something unique every time. From the repeating of mold cells to the repeating of leaves in the forest canopy, I find immense joy and fascination in the variations of texture that repetition in nature creates.


“The Cocoons” mixed fibers and wax (part of the Allentown Art Museum installation of “Cocooned”), each piece approximately 3” x 9”


I find that fiber art is also a world of variation and repetition. Creating a woven piece requires me to repeat various stitches throughout the warp to build textures. Felting a sculpture, stitching a piece together or beading a surface requires repetition of motion, a stitch or a process. This mirroring of my medium and inspiration provides balance to my work.


“A Disappearance of Bees” wool, stuffing, gold foil and cellulose beads on a hive frame. 15″ x 6″


Through repetition and exploration of materials, I work to evoke sensations in the viewer—fascination, discomfort or both. I aim to push the viewer to question and confront their reaction and what that means for them and their relationship to the natural world. We are a part of and made of the world’s natural cycles of growth and decay. We can never fully remove ourselves from them, no matter how hard we try.


“The Order of Growth” felted wool, silk and found natural items (created during a residency at The Root Community), each panel is 18” x 36”


The roofs that sag heavy with the weight of moss and time, forgotten food spawning colonies and clusters of molds, bodies becoming food for mushrooms and bluebells—these moments of decay endlessly inspire me. They also make us confront our own knowledge of mortality. That tension between my enchantment with these moments and a knowledge of others discomfort with them inspires and shapes my art.


“Living Wall” felted wool on copper pipe. (Community garden made through a residency at Forks Elementary) 5′ x 4.5′


As a practicing artist, my work takes many forms. I teach a variety of fiber art workshops in New York and Pennsylvania. I also work with many schools through residency programs. I teach the art of felting to students from kindergarten through high school.


“Friend” felted wool, wax dipped crochet, cotton and stuffing (created during a residency at The Wassaic Project as the Education Fellow), 3.5’ x 6’


During these residencies, students work together to make community felted gardens. Once completed, they hang in the school as a memory of the experience and testament to what can be accomplished when we all contribute to make something beautiful.


“The Garden” felted wool (part of the Allentown Art Museum installation of “Cocooned”) part of a 6’ x 15’ installation


In my studio in Schenectady, New York, I create work for exhibits as well as commissions. Nothing brings me greater joy than bringing an idea to life in my studio and using my hands and a multitude of fibers to create it.


“Wool Garden & Hickory Run Garden” felted wool, woven wool, laser cut wood (created with Panther Valley High School students during a residency as a part of the PA Turnpikes ArtSparks Initiative), 6′ x 4′


Recent installations include a permanent collection of wool gardens created with Panther Valley High School students at the Hickory Run Service Center in Pennsylvania as a part of the Turnpikes ArtSparks initiative, and the installation of Cocooned at the Allentown Art Museum in Pennsylvania.


Artist Mallory Zondag invites you to follow her on Instagram.


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Source: artsyshark.com

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