Florida Man Captures Alligator with Trash Can

Australia is sometimes called “British Texas”. That’s fair, but I’d like to propose that Florida is “Australian America,” if for no other reason than due to the extremely dangerous wildlife.

Florida Man Roy Bonilla recorded video of fellow Florida Man Eugene Bozzi capturing an alligator by maneuvering it into a trash can. Toward the end, the gator fights with all his might to escape. Bozzi did not, though, kill and eat the gator (they taste like fish, by the way), but instead rolls the trash can down to a lake to set it free.

This is why Floridians prefer trash cans with wheels. It pays to think ahead.

-via Twisted Sifter

UPDATE 9/30/21: Courtesy of The Mary Sue, here is the release of the alligator:

Source: neatorama

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