Hilarious recreations of over-the-top romance novel covers

The covers of most romance novels are over the top, to say the least. Men and women in ridiculous poses, with ridiculously-flawless bodies don the covers of these novels on the shelves of your local bookstore, grocery store, or discount store.

While this kind of book art has obviously worked for decades, they’re still laughable to many. To that end, Cosmopolitan magazine has recreated ten famous covers with real, un-retouched people. The results really bring to light just how absurd many of these covers would be if you saw the same things in real life. It also highlights just how unrealistic the expectations these novels set forth actually are.

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romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

romance novel covers

Source: designfaves.com

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