Horrible Victorian Valentines

If you’ve ever received a Valentine card that you thought didn’t quite measure up to your expectations, try to be forgiving. At least it wasn’t one of the misguided, bizarre, or downright insulting cards of the Victorian era. The morbid example above, in case you can’t read the script, says,

Listen beautiful relax classics on our Youtube channel.

My late dear Wife preserved in a glass case
She was such a darling Pet that I had her stuffed.
Will you be my second?

That’s probably the worst marriage proposal I’ve heard of …ever. Twitter user Lauryn Ipsum posted a thread that shows us some of the worst valentines of bygone eras. Some are well-meaning but accompanied by creepy imagery. Others are cringeworthy, including some “vinegar valentines” and the plainly misogynist cards aimed at suffragettes. Some are, frankly, just incomprehensible.

Yeah, it was a different time. Maybe we should be thankful for the kinder, gentler valentines at the corner convenience store, even if they are blandly generic. See all of these unhinged vintage valentines in the Twitter thread, or in a more image-friendly version at Threadreader.

-via Metafilter

Source: neatorama

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