Jury Captain Profile: Lindsey Maxwell helps Teague Take Flight

Lindsey Maxwell is the Jury Captain for the 2024 Core77 Design Awards Transportation category. This category features vehicles, systems, or modes of transportation used to get people or objects from one place to another, for private, public, commercial, or industrial purposes.

Lindsey Maxwell has built a career around high-flying design. As Vice President at Teague, Lindsey brings over two decades of experience in aerospace to her role leading an interdisciplinary team of over 125 researchers, designers, and engineers at the company’s Aerospace Studio. With a focus on efficiency and sustainability, Lindsey is pursuing new frontiers of space, helping transportation visionaries to boldly go where no man – or woman – has gone before.

Lindsey Maxwell, Vice President, Teague

The self-described “art lover, design nerd, and travel aficionado” has continued to push boundaries with Teague’s tradition of human-centered design in aviation, applying it to areas like urban air mobility, space habitats and travel, and other passenger experiences. She brings a passion for people to her work, striving to forge strong partnerships with industry leaders to shape the future of their businesses and harness great design for competitive advantage. Lindsey serves as Board chair of IDSA, the world’s most established industrial design association. Based on her dedication to the advancement of women in the profession, she has also served as co-chair of the organization’s National Women in Design Committee and founded a group aimed at supporting women in design executive leadership roles.

Teague-driven new American Airlines business class cabin Boeing 787

In the transportation arena, Lindsey sees plenty of change in the air (and on land). As she said, “We’re on the cusp of a major shift in how we move people and goods around the world.” Increasing emphasis on sustainability and efficiency coupled with technological advancements in electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and the maturing of alternative modes of transport (like hyperloop and eVTOL) continue to expand realms of possibility, as do the development of space travel and related infrastructure. The rise of a commercial space economy is opening new doors for human space exploration and space-based transportation and logistics.

These rapidly evolving developments have Lindsey anticipating what’s next. She believes that the effects of these technological advances won’t be limited to space; they will also touch the Earth’s transportation systems, including satellite-based navigation and communication systems. “The integration of space travel and infrastructure into the broader transportation network holds incredible potential for the future of mobility,” she said.

If there’s anything in the transportation space that gives this design leader pause, it’s AI, which she views with some degree of wariness, calling it a “double-edged sword for creatives.” According to Lindsey, “Good design results from a deep understanding of human behavior, coupled with a clear perspective on business goals and objectives; AI can and should support the design process, but it should never own the outcomes.”

Her direction for Core77 Design Awards entrants? Keep a clear focus when communicating your solution’s value and impact for users, your client and their business, and the broader world. As she advised, “Treat the jury like a client.”

2023 Winner C77DA Transportation Category – Zoox’s Autonomous Employee Shuttle Service by Zoox

The 2023 Core77 Design Awards winner in the Transportation category was Zoox’s Autonomous Employee Shuttle Service, the world’s first purpose-built robotaxi service on open public roads. We’re looking for new work to transport us in 2024. If you have a design project that can go the distance, enter it in the Core77 Design Awards.

Source: core77

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